
Aeon's End - Digital Tabletop Game

Created by Handelabra Games

Pre-order the hit fantasy deck-builder for Steam! Plus help us pre-fund the first expansion The Nameless. Try the demo here:

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Kickstarter Countdown Stream Starts Soon!
over 5 years ago – Tue, Dec 04, 2018 at 11:14:07 PM

At 7 PM Eastern, we'll be counting down the last 30 minutes of the campaign! Join us on Twitch to see if we reach the 39k stretch goal and bring another mage through the breach to Gravehold!

Final day - First 2 Stretch Goals Unlocked, New Mage Right Around the Corner!
over 5 years ago – Tue, Dec 04, 2018 at 11:12:26 PM

10 hours remain
10 hours remain

There's been a flurry of activity since PAX Unplugged! The $32k and $34k stretch goals have been unlocked, bringing 2 nemesis cards and 2 brand-new player cards to the game. See Update #10 for a preview of what the mechanics for those new player cards might look like.

Will Xae and Mist go on an adventure?
Will Xae and Mist go on an adventure?

At the beginning of the weekend, the idea of unlocking the first new Mage seemed a long shot at best, but with the flurry of activity in the last few days, it's certainly looking more and more possible!

As of this writing, we need just under $4,400 to unlock the "Into The Breach" stretch goal. Yesterday alone brought in nearly $2,400 so while it may not be a walk in the park, we think it's doable!

Help spread the word as much as you can in these final hours and let's bring Xae to Gravehold!

Final 48 Hours Imminent!
over 5 years ago – Sun, Dec 02, 2018 at 11:15:33 PM

It’s the final day of PAX Unplugged and we’ve had a great time chatting with folks about Aeon’s End Digital all weekend! Hundreds of folks have come through the booth and tried the demo, and judging by the activity here, a bunch of you went home and backed the campaign - thank you!

The guy in front tried all 4 of our games he was having so much fun!
The guy in front tried all 4 of our games he was having so much fun!

The campaign ends on Tuesday evening at 7:30 pm Eastern, which means the 48 hour reminder emails should be heading out later today. Given recent activity, we think we have a good chance of hitting some stretch goals, including the One Deck Dungeon crossover mage at $39k. Will we have enough to get to the first expansion? Only time will tell, but keep spreading the word and maybe we will!

Social Update

You broke the meeter!
You broke the meeter!

We’re only fully funded because of your efforts to get the word out! And thanks to you, all four of the planned bonus packs will be a reality. As of noon Sunday, there have been nearly 1350 shares, likes, retweets and more. Keep it up through Tuesday so we can get as many stretch goals as possible!

Mobile Update 

While we can’t know the final number until after BackerKit surveys go out, we do know that at least 240 people have backed at the Mobile mMage level, or have added on $1 to show their support for mobile. That means you’ve already shortened the wait for mobile by 10 days! As of this moment, Aeon’s End will launch for iPad and Android tablets just 20 days after we release 1.0 on Steam.

Using magic to tame time and space!
Using magic to tame time and space!

Live Stream Tuesday 

We’ll be live on Tuesday night starting at 7 pm Eastern, counting down the last 30 minutes and celebrating a successful campaign. Join us live on Twitch to pop the sparkling grape juice, play some Aeon's End, and generally make a party of it.

100% Funded: Gravehold is safe… for now! Onwards to stretch goals!
over 5 years ago – Sat, Dec 01, 2018 at 09:30:01 PM

You did it! Thanks to your support, Aeon's End is officially funded, and will be coming to Steam. Plus, we've promised to release it on iPad and Android tablets soon after the Steam launch. Our whole team is super excited to be making this adaptation a reality. Thank you to all of our backers so far, and welcome to new backers jumping on to help us reach stretch goals!

We're heading into the final weekend of the campaign and are well within reach of some promo cards and other extra content.

On your marks... get set... go!
On your marks... get set... go!

Promo-Pack 1 is the first stretch goal at $32,000 and includes a brand new Player card and Nemesis card. At the current average pledge level, that's just 97 more backers to get the first free cards added to every copy of the game on Steam! These cards will be designed by Kevin Riley and you can learn more about his design ideas here.

Next up is Promo-Pack 2 with another brand new pair of cards. At $34,000 that's another 97 more backers - or perhaps a few add-ons of Steam keys as gifts for friends and family!

The third stretch goal is different: it's the Into the Breach crossover between Aeon's End and One Deck Dungeon! If we reach this goal at $39,000, Xae from One Deck Dungeon will be added to Aeon's End, and Mist from Aeon's End will appear in One Deck Dungeon. Both crossovers will be made by the original game designers and will be free! Making a mage is more work for everyone involved, but we hope that 244 new backers will help us find a way.

Once we're in striking distance of The Nameless expansion stretch goal at $53,000, we'll let you know how you can add on to your pledge to secure your copy. At that point if most backers add it on, we'll be well on our way to unlocking it and further goals, like the crossover of NightMist from Sentinels of the Multiverse!

Thanks again for all your support - tell all your friends (and enemies) and let's keep the momentum going this weekend!

Nearly Funded, New Mechanics, and Mobile?
over 5 years ago – Fri, Nov 30, 2018 at 12:36:48 AM

We are within striking distance of our goal, and while higher stretch goals do seem to be… a stretch at this point, we’re pretty confident that we’ll get to at least a few promos. So what can you expect from those cards?

As mentioned in the updates about the new mages, designer Kevin Riley has been exploring mechanics that would be difficult or impractical to replicate on the tabletop. Here’s an explanation in his own words of one of those mechanics: 

The possibility of a digital Aeon’s End ignited my imagination since the beginning. There’s so many ways to stretch the game that we couldn’t or wouldn’t want to do in cardboard. Some mechanics are possible, but not practical because of the additional tracking or components they would require. In addition to designing brand new breach mages, I’ve crafted several concepts for new player cards.

One of my favorite designs is for growth cards. A growth card is one that increases in strength each time you play it. So far, we have two fairly simple designs ready just to test the basic idea.

Growing Jalite: Cost 3 gem. Gain 1 aether. Each time you play this, it gains 1 additional aether for the rest of the game.

Tinder: Cost 3 spell. Deal 1 damage. Each time you cast this spell, it deals 1 additional damage for the rest of the game.

When deciding to buy these cards, players must evaluate many new factors: 

  • Is it okay that the first time they play this card, it’s quite bad. 
  • Is their deck small enough to recur it often enough to justify the long term gain? 
  • Does their deck have any recursion so that it can be played more than once per cycle?

These cards, while simple, offer many new and interesting possibilities when approaching Aeon’s End and that’s only the tip of what I’m dreaming of. I hope that you will help us raise enough so that even more of my brand new ideas can make it into Aeon’s End: Digital!

Mobile News 

As we are within striking distance of our goal, we have an announcement today.

Kickstarter is a really great platform for learning about the market for a product before you complete it. If there is one thing that has become clear to us since we launched, it’s that lots of people really want to play Aeon’s End on the go. We always wanted mobile to be in the roadmap, but given the feedback we’ve gotten so far, we’ve decided to update our plan a bit.

We’ve decided to commit to mobile as well as Steam. Aeon’s End will be released on iPad and Android tablets 1 month after version 1.0 launches on Steam.

Aeon's End on the go... with your help!
Aeon's End on the go... with your help!

While we still cannot offer keys directly for mobile versions of Aeon's End, we really want mobile players to be able to participate in the campaign in these last few days. The new Mobile Mage backer level is $1 and officially registers your desire to see Aeon’s End come to mobile. Your name will be listed in a special section of the credits dedicated to the mobile backers.

But there's a better reason to back at that level! For every registered mobile backer, we will release Aeon’s End for tablets 1 hour earlier. There are 720 hours in a month, so if 720 people back it at this level, tablet support will launch day and date with Aeon’s End for Steam.

To answer some of the questions we think might be bouncing around in your heads:

1) What devices and platforms will be supported? We plan for the the first release of Aeon’s End for mobile to support iPad (iOS 11 or later) and Android tablets (Android 4.4 or later on Google Play).

2) I backed for Steam but I also want to support mobile, can I help? Yes! Just add $1 to your pledge to be registered as a mobile backer.

2a) How will you track this? Aside from counting backers at the mobile level, we will tally up the pledges that have $1 added. Since every other backer level ends in a 0 or 5, this should be pretty straightforward, and we’ll keep you posted on your progress in updates.

3) Is there a way for a mobile backer to get a copy of the Soundtrack? Yes! There is a $5 Add-On for the Soundtrack. Just add the appropriate amount to your pledge and after the campaign ends, the pledge manager will let you order whatever you would like.

4) What if we get MORE than 720 mobile backers? We like where your head is at, but the tablet version will not come out before the Steam version.

5) What about phones? Support for phone-sized devices is a much bigger job than tablet support. It will require a new approach to the user interface, similar to how we brought Sentinels of the Multiverse to phones. While we would still like to have phone support in the road map, this announcement only covers tablets.

Of course, this is all contingent on fully funding, so continue to get the word out. Share the campaign with your friends! We expect there are lots of folks out there that will be excited about tablet support for Aeon’s End, so let them know!

PAX Unplugged

Don’t forget to come say hi if you are at PAX Unplugged in Philadelphia this weekend. We’ll be at booth #1839.